Phew, a busy month has kept me away from blogging and all other activities... Today is the day 60 years back alien rule of anarchy ended and a self-rule of anarchy started! But nationalism has not gone dry. People still holiday and celebrate with interesting TV shows, new movies and also hoist a flag and self appraise the growth by comparing Pakistan, Bangladesh or appreciating how our IT services shine and how Naryanamurthy's Infosys or Azim Premji's Wipro do etc... Remember months back i blogged that I wouldn't show my pessimism? I still stick to it, trying to wear a brave mask...but my fingers are not able to...
I opened the papers with a deep sense of nationalism to see the tricolour majestically fluttering, but couldn't find one single pic in any of the top Indian newsletters. I kept refreshing the pages minutes before typing this blog, nothing yet! But my day was made by BBC - The British Broadcasting Corporation - exactly at 7:14 this morning they showed PM unfurling the tricolor and the rose petals softly falling down... That sight and single moment has no match!!!
I am not sure how the Indian media handled the I-day back home, but in Britain the people who divided and ruled us for at least four centuries handled gracefully, honestly and with grit... The last couple of weeks' prime time were all about Ind/Pak related actuals - as is - how both the countries are today, positivity ebbed; in spite of a busy schedule i seldom missed those shows but yesterday it was about partition, self admission: as to what mistakes the contemporary brit officers did, how the transfer of power was mis-managed etc etc. That needs real guts to openly accept and self-criticise that too 60 years after the event.
I have recorded a few off those shows, i think its really essential for us to understand the roots of problems and the unbiased history... This will put us in best place to understand contemporary issues and aid in dealing them better.
Some pictures to celebrate the day!