Last four months flew. May, June, July, August have gone like a wind. I watched the Indian general elections, some great cricket by England, return of Dravid, best of all was a five day trip to Scotland. In the last six years, I had reserved Scotland for a special occassion and i chose to spend it with my family. I enjoyed driving to core, the sceneries still stand in my mind. Mountains, lakes and pure nature, yes pure nature. We stayed in a wooden house, and just behind the house the rivers from the glen ebbs, sand gushes into the valleys. Such a sight and relaxation. One day we walked up on the Glen Navis and interestingly i tried some of stunts and got caught into a swamp and had to jump of the marsh by leaving the shoes and trekk up bare foot.
Big news is in the four months, i completed two of my courses in Global Energy MBA@WBS in first class but couldn't secure my honours which was a big disappointment. However with the commitments to family, busy work schedule and guests as well as a good summer, i focused and made hay! I also started getting up early to play Tennis daily in the morning. This brings my memories from Neyveli where i started my tennis but never excelled in it. I tried many sports in my schooling, but focused into Volleyball later and played some good games. I remember that our school rarely won matches in south zone tournaments, where we had won the first round but lost the next and turned back home. However we set trends and i still do in my own ways, in things that i do... I always cherished tennis but could never play to the level. This summer has opened up the avenue but long way to go.
In a fortnight we are moving home and new opportunities await.