A few years ago, I asked my dad (who is a staunch believer in God) about polytheism and his view on it...Hinduism is a way of life or a religion of religions, so practising a way is such a challenge if your roots belong to it. His view was quite simple. Let us say you want to go to destination A and if it has 10 routes, travelling by route 1 for 5 miles and route 2 for 4 miles and route 3 for 3 miles won't take you to A. But all routes do take you to A. All roads lead to same destination. The message was 'You have to choose a way AND stick to it'. Very important is the AND clause. I have been riding many horses but not many paths, but I am now at the junction of many paths. The situation reminds me of Robert Frost's 'Road Not Taken'. I have to choose one! Languages do have different words for same thing, religions have many paths to same God. I choose simple words to describe complex things, so is simplicity the best option? A conjecture.
Family tree is getting rusty, the roots need my support or do i yearn for support from the roots? A Banyan tree symbolises my position. I am an 'aerial prop' trying to reach the roots and not yet there, but will be there one day. Is the prop supporting the tree or the prop wishing to take support from the root? Science says that these props become trunks and are indistinguishable. But thoughts question the logic "the props do they support the roots or take support by growing to the roots?"
Don't get me wrong, I am not melancholic, this is an insight into the path that should be taken. I am strong, sound and resolute to achieve! Readers have asked me on the absence of thoughts, actually they are never absent, just silent.
So what did i do the last fours months? Assignments for the Uni, family time, extended family time, moving houses. Ah! that reminds me that i am sitting in a developed world where it has taken 2 months for the telecom company to provision a broadband for me. I am not joking, in fact i should say it has taken me 3 months. I called TalkTalk on Aug 14th to mention i am moving houses (I moved on Sep 20th), they disconnected me on Sep 10th and i got my broadband on Nov 3rd. What a service! I called, tweaked, poked and finally gave up! you have to win some and loose some... I ordered a slow mobile broadband and ploughed through my way...Life now is a bliss with the super fast 4Mb broadband!!!
I imagine what if one day the internet goes down? (post for a different day)...