After a few months of roller coaster rides, I am back to ground zero enjoying peace. When I say this, I am quite aware that in a week or so, I will have to climb again for another ride. But experience gives me the feeling, that I will start enjoying the rides and the scary part is over. Future rides are to give me scary moments, but I intend to apply them to come out successfully.
Pakistan floods, Disasters in Haiti, Wild fires in Russia, Chinese landslides, Recession, Shrinking Moon, do we have any good things going around?
It depends, I see we that have'nt started the world war-3 yet. Hey thats good news! Really is there something nice going around? I guess the ash clouds have gone, recession is not in the headlines anymore. Mr. Brown & Bush are names forgotten. Tony is giving 4mil back!!! Obama is setting up AfPak office. Infosys has been referred as chop-shop (I agree, but that should have been generalised to IT/BPO services companies and not single out infosys, also highlight US does trade with such chop-shops!). India chose to support Pak by offerring $5m (Do you know India off'd around $20M during the earthquakes?). So lots of nice things going on.
I started going back to my Kriya yoga setting aside my thoughts on Sri Sri, Nityananda et. all. Yoga is something that's been there for eons and one who shows light to you is a Guru and one art of living follower a young lady trusted me a complete stranger and guided me back into this yoga. So she could be a guru too. My search goes on. Incidentally another lady (not sure if she is young) from Srilanka has given me a few thoughts to think! I wrote to her and she responded very interestingly. So the search continues... the term 'search' reminds me of google. Would google seek the truth for me? Thats what Eric Schmidt intends to (refer his latest speech).
Another google thingy - I got a HTC desire a phone that I wished four years back. Though I had my requirements, HTC or Google never took them from me, but delivered one! With its help, I am back at my social networking. I spoke to quite a handful of my friends across the globe last week. It was all the way from India, Singapore, Australia, Europe and the US. (I don't have any friends in China or South America - worrying).
Anyway going back to the topic: Inspite of a 3 year old constantly needing my attention, (not to mention my dear wife too), I found a quiet zone, however the irony is this zone is filled with blood, pressure and a lot of knots - a zone you can find too. However I cannot reveal that! You got to find for yourself. Om Shanti!