Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Democracy a way forward?

Is democracy still a meaningful concept in the 21st Century? Thats my question. Most of the democratic governments, the voting numbers have gone done. The only other concepts of governance are dictatorship and communism. Clearly communism has failed. Dictatorship can never be the right answer. So that leaves us the option with democracy. I have not seen much thought leadership in the area of political governance that can promise a better structure that provides a better governance.

I am right now reading a book about 'Writing on the wall and the West in 21st Century'. This book delves into the history of chinese governance. I think thats much needed to find a good way of governance and making sure the world shares the risks, effects as a society together. I seriously think democracy is also loosing its sheen and in another 15-20 years, this concept will also be questioned like the communist concept.

The key point is people are loosing interest in governments and are working in a self-centered manner. So how can a governor provide a good rule, when the subjects aren't really bothered or why should he/she actually care to provide an impartial rule for such subjects. Recently a candidate in the US election has a different view of involving everyone into the senate and the view is if citizens aren't interested in law making, why should the state care about them? Its not a great idea but a start. When so many people involve in decision making, a decision can never be reached.

I have been thinking about this for long and an idea - may be this has its own pros/cons as every system would do. But its for the netizens to debate. The idea is every country should lay out some guidelines etc on State matters and devlove rest of powers to utmost the local council level and effectively all taxes should also go to the councils. e.g. In a local town of 1000 people, if 600 of them earn, their income taxes go to the local council which administers the town and they should be empowered to make all decisions except the State related one. I admit its similar to democracy, but devloving power can be the only way to bring the interest back. (I can see such flavours already existing in UK, France etc - but not fully implemented - the locals don't participate in council elections) Bring Money & Justice to local level which can put the interest back to people.

My knowledge in this area is limited, I encourage netizens to participate which will be a good start....

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