Wednesday, November 05, 2008

USA Ba(rra)ck to monarchy!

I always have a different view of events around me. Sometimes the view is a pretty nasty one, sometimes its crap. I was waiting up to 1 AM this morning to follow the events around the US elections. Will Obama Barrack win? By now everyone knows, actually most of us knew even before the results.

People always work their questions against India and keep comparing India to some of the western nations. I wrote an email once to a group of friends requesting them to compare India with US. I think they have many common things. (will write about that another day) I think India - the largest democracy has followed a much better path of democracy - there may be a lot of blips but things happened in India at a different level. India had PMs, Presidents from minority community, represented by the opposite sex and still the representation continues. Western countries that talk about equality and human values, rights actually have not followed.

"America was a democracy in name only," "It's only since the mid-1960s that we've had this experiment in a multicultural and multiracial democracy." - Click here to see the views.

When i see the emotions, the expectations its all just on one person - Obama? How many people know him personally? really how many people really understand what he stands for - he may be a good orator, but how different is it from Monarchy? A man/woman from queen's family who is well trained (or at the minimum, grown-up in the climate) in the game of politics would lead the country, it didn't matter if he/she was a good, righteous person or not. This man he kept flaming the colour and displayed qualities of a leader; cried at the correct moment - well enacted to the path of victory. Can he deliver? Time will answer...

But if i look at the mob frenzy, i could only conclude that this madness is no different from Monarchy except people choose their leader. Will we have a day where no one leads and people just live?

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