Saturday, December 03, 2011

Mahathir is Mahawrong!

Sampling the comments for the article, I can very well see people will ignore what Mahathir said. But to emphasize, I wish our people/media reflect more on the positive aspects of Indian growth story and relax. I have often said to my friends that we (Union of India) are just 60 years old... Growth should be natural and democracy should evolve but not forced upon. 

India is like an elephant. An elephant's gestation period is 22 months (!) and goes on to leave for another 60 years. It has a gait similar to running but walks at a pace and can max to 45KM/H. Its proverbial to say "walk before you can run" yet its true! US of A took more than 250 years to where it is today.  I prefer not to emulate the US model of growth too. There should be an Indian way! Look how pathetic we have been in dealing with our North East states? I am ashamed that I did not know about Irom Sharmila until very recently. Look at the way we deal with Mullai Periyar dam? FDI in retail could be a shot in the arm, but in my view its not going to solve the fundamental infrastructure issues. There is no leadership or vision.

I digress, but the point is, let us grow in our own pace and let us ensure we grow together... 

On a different note, I see Venky at his best. I like the way he has constructed this article. Budding journos should learn from this article. Journalism changes too! especially in the web 2.0 media age, this apt for the modern day readers i.e. brings many issues (China Model, Malaysian issues, Indian context, devolved governance and more importantly disagreeing to Mahathir's idea)  through the article and attaches links to it, so a reader can get the crux quickly and browse the underlying articles in leisure. 

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