Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas concert and my emotions...

I was a bit emotional this morning, when I attended my son's act on the Christmas concert. He played three wise-men and to my surprise the concert was 'de-christianised'! (not that I mind about religion, I guess its the other extreme of whats happening on India, a by-product of politically correct Britain) Nothing about Christmas or Jesus Christ - it was all about baby Jesus crying and about 30 kids did many things to calm down Baby Jesus... The school HM was clear that they appreciate these ancillary activities, but the school was all about education - reminded me of my own school (Jawahar  School). In fact they had spent less than a week in all to do the show and I was quite impressed! Doing a show like that with thirty 4-5 year olds, those teachers are excellent! Well done Feltham-hill infant school!

I couldn't dismiss my thoughts about the similarities in Krishna and Jesus's early life stories...

I thought about my school day interests on dramas and how i never made it to those... (not to mention I am Piscean) Interestingly Rajesh and I did a skit and recorded on cassettes... We were that creative! Selling our own drama shows on recorded cassettes at the age of 12 or so.

So my question - were the emotions from my childhood or the religious similarity kindling my passion about Krishna or the missed chances of theaters and plays?

I concluded that it must be my 5 year old who's growing up and making me proud. I am thinking of working with the school to help their governance... I am impressed with school teachers and with the little boy... He may not know, but it's an important day and step in his life...

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