I hit the roads again and today i ran well and i was quite comfortable and completed probably a mile. A shame for regular runners but not for me. I was proud of myself. I overcame my sluggishness and procrastinations! I have been through a tough year mentally and physically. First 3-4 months of 2010 was a lot of flu and then later guests, travel etc. On top, I had my office chores and MBA. A lot to take on. I feel 2010 is almost over; mainly because at office, the plans for next 2-3 have been in progress for a while and it feels 2011 already.
Things have started looking better! My friend just called me over the weekend to say, he might buy his family home near mine which is great news to us. October feels a lot chilly comparatively for this time of an English year and weather. My in-laws are here and its some family time too.
These days not many things bother me, but a few things still do. Especially what i read in the paper (especially political sections). Having said that, Ms. Roy's comments are certainly not welcome. I acknowledge freedom of speech, but everything depends on comments and circumstances. If you drink grape juice in a vineyard, with very little or no doubt, one would say that you are tasting a wine not a grape juice. Same here, if Ms. Roy had aired those comments a few days back or later, or even when there was a lot of chaos (a few weeks back), it would have been okay. Sharing the dias, Ms. Roy shared her thoughts with a separatist. In this circumstance I pronounce her irresponsible and attention-seeker, limelight-grabber etc. She goes on to say that many people in Kashmir say that, yes many in Pakistan say that; however a lot more in India think otherwise. It is not about the number of people. Pakistan, India + Kashmir, Bangladesh share some cultural roots. It is a delicate issue, if you are a responsible journalist, why not do things in-camera with an outcome in mind? Why grab limelight?
Gandhi (I mean Mahatma) just did not talk! He had an action plan and delivered it. I am so frustrated with her as i see this as her trend. She did a similar thing with the naxal problem. She spent a day with them, narrated a dramatic story to the media and poof! Disappeared into ether? What was your value add? what was your contribution? at a time, where media is just momentary in its news and value, I see her sharing the same 'momentary' basics. No strategy, no action, plain talk! If you intend to play just a journalist, then so be it, but if you aspire for Suu Kyi, then play big. Don't just talk and aspire to play big.
Reminds me of a proverb - "Empty vessels make more noise" !!
I do not know why Indian Government has decided not to register any case against Ms.Roy. Is it becuase they don't want to pour oil on the burning fire or because of president Obama's visit to India. Presenlty the Indian government has put a blanket on the fire to cease it. Your rightly said "empty vessels make more noice"